A downloadable game for Windows

We made a platformer game with the theme of snow in the snow mountains. This game is inspired by other platformer games such as Mario Bros, Megaman, and Sonic. The story of this game comes from the ideas developed by the designer of this game.

Winter Wonderland is a platformer game set in a snowy mountain. The player plays as the Yeti who is trying to save himself from an avalanche in the snowy mountains. In this game, there are features to add to the excitement of this game, for example Yeti can throw snowballs and climb walls by jumping left and right.

Made by:

  1. Fathurrahman Hernanda (designer)
  2. Jason Wijaya (designer)
  3. Rifky Maulana Syahputra (programmer)
  4. Juan Christopher Young (programmer)
  5. Haniefa Azhari Fathni Mufidah (artist)


WinderW.zip 36 MB

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